The Retailer

gordon macpherson

TRG MD Gordon MacPherson: “A pause in party politics” would greatly help Retail Covid Recovery

TRG MD Gordon MacPherson shares his views in this review of regional retail and its potential for recovery once the Covid-19 pandemic begins to ease. Gordon highlights the different sets of challenges retailers face and predicts how quickly they may recover from the restrictions enforced over the last 12 months of lockdowns.

TRG MD Gordon MacPherson: “A pause in party politics” would greatly help Retail Covid Recovery Read More »

TRG MD Gordon MacPherson: “opportunities and challenges for a new supermarket in my home town”

TRG MD Gordon MacPherson gives his expert opinion on the impact the opening of a new Aldi supermarket in his home town could have. “It clearly presents a further challenge for the independent retailers, who have weathered the Waitrose opening in August 2014 and are facing further pressures with the latest lockdown restrictions in place,

TRG MD Gordon MacPherson: “opportunities and challenges for a new supermarket in my home town” Read More »

The Retailer MD, Gordon MacPherson, interviewed about Covid-19 impact

Our MD, Gordon MacPherson, has been interviewed by Newsquest about the impact of Covid-19 on High Streets and local retailing. Its not all bad news! Gordon emphasises the online opportunities and how years of innovation have been crammed into a few months. Thanks to Kirsten Robertson for the opportunity. Read the full report here.

The Retailer MD, Gordon MacPherson, interviewed about Covid-19 impact Read More »

TRG helps Malmesbury launch local Gift Card to boost High Street

A snapshot of the collateral being used in the Shop Local campaign in Malmesbury which has the Malmesbury Gift Card at its heart. TRG is delighted to have been involved in helping shape the direction of the campaign.Thanks go to all the Malmesbury traders involved for their support in the photography sessions. For more information email

TRG helps Malmesbury launch local Gift Card to boost High Street Read More »

The Retailer